Tuesday, September 28, 2010

New Topic

I tried to think of something everyone would like, so instead I'm doing something no one is gonna like. I don't have a simple theme- my theme is "opposite stance." Let me explain- if you're pro-choice, make some anti-abortion propaganda. Not sarcastically or sardonically, really, really try to get inside the headspace of someone you disagree with and see things from their point of view. Do some research. If you hate guns, do a pro-NRA piece. You you're vegetarian, do a meat ad. If you're gay, do some bible-thumping "marriage is between a man and a woman" material, etc. I'd make the converse examples but I feel like we don't have a lot of conservatives on here- tell me if I'm wrong though.


  1. I'm, uh, liberal conservative? A conservative liberal? I'm pro-education-and-personal-responsibility-preventing-unwanted-pregnancy, but I wouldn't want to force someone who was raped, unstable, or ill-prepared for the process of birth (let alone childrearing) to be forced to carry to term... So I'm Pro-Life-Ish? Anti-abortion-as-birth-control? I walk the middle line on most hot-button issues. I generally see both sides of the issue and formulate my own opinion independent of a particular "stance." I'm also a creationary-evolutionist.

    I may have a hard time figuring out a topic for this.

  2. I thought and thought and came up with a few topics (guns, stupid etiquette rules from the 1950s, flat bellies, smoking, etc) but it just didn't come. Writing in the opposite head space just pissed me off and nothing lent well to photography.

    Sean it WASN'T a bad topic so don't start!!
